
The Walrus - What If He Wins

The Walrus - Economy

The Walrus - Healthcare

The Walrus - Polarization

The Walrus - Reconciliation

The Walrus - U.S. Relations

The Walrus - Conspiracy

The Walrus - Climate

The Walrus - Foreign Policy

The Walrus - Housing

The Walrus - Immigration

The Walrus - Media

Literary Review of Canada - The Alphabet Diaries

Literary Review of Canada - Spring Cover Art

Literary Review of Canada - Moon of the Turning Leaves

Literary Review of Canada - Me, My Shelf and I

Literary Review of Canada - Senior Homelessness

Literary Review of Canada - Out of the Mouths of Babes

Literary Review of Canada - Taxi Driver

Literary Review of Canada - Feminism

Literary Review of Canada - December cover

Literary Review of Canada - Mennonite Descent

Literary Review of Canada - A History of Burning

Literary Review of Canada - David Macfarlane

Literary Review of Canada - Covid-19 in Ecuador

Potraj Mumbai

People Mumbai

Bird Market Mumbai

Kitties Mumbai

Buddha Sleeping Mumbai

Rickshaw Mumbai

Condo Voice - All Pooped Out

Condo Voice - Airflow

Condo Voice - Nuisance

ASAP Ice Company

Book Cover - Life of Pi

The Globe and Mail-Sense and Sensibility

ABC Stay Home with Me, an alphabet book about Covid 19

Animated Gifs for the John Howard Society’s “Unequal Justice” report on Youth Bail in Ontario.

Unpublished work

Bauhaus-Triadic Ballet

Bauhaus-Triadic Ballet

Bauhaus-Triadic Ballet

Sneaky Snakes-personal work.
Sneaky Snakes-personal work.
Sneaky Snakes-personal work.